All children at Cleve House benefit from a varied and exciting curriculum.
Numeracy and Literacy form the basis of the daily timetable. Both of these subjects use a wide range of activities and teaching techniques to ensure the interest and enthusiasm of the children is maintained and with excellent results.
In addition to Literacy and Numeracy the children enjoy Science, History, Geography, RE, Spanish, PSHE, Art, Design and Technology, PE, Games, Swimming, Music and Computing (ICT).
To support the broad curriculum children benefit from educational trips to museums, theatres, local attractions including Bristol Zoo, places of interest and events e.g. Bath Literacy Festival. In Key Stage 2 children have the opportunity to go on a residential trip with their friends and classmates.
Throughout a child’s time at Cleve House School you will receive regular reports and parents evenings to enable you to monitor your child’s progress and support their learning. Cleve House maintains an ‘open door’ policy where parents are always welcome to come in and discuss any concerns or questions they may have.
The educational philosophy of Cleve House is very much one of partnership between school, children and parents. This tried and tested approach to childrens’ education achieves excellent results.