What have we been doing?
Summer 2023 School Production

Poetry: May 2023
The World Around Us
by Harper
In the future I’d like to see,
lots of nature all around me.
The flowers growing and the birds singing loud,
and the sun shining up un the clouds
I would be happy if no one left litter,
laying around like it was glitter.
Just pick it up and put it in the bin,
nature can grow and we all can win.
British Science Week March 2023
The children enjoyed designing and creating seven different parachutes made out of various materials. We tested our parachutes, collected the data in a table and then presented out findings in the form of a bar chart. We looked at the importance of creating a fair test, made predictions and then discussed our findings as a class.

World Book Day 2023

Form 4 & 5 Science: Space

Form 3/4 enjoyed working out how far their planet was away from the sun. Each piece of toilet paper represented 100,000 km! Turns out Neptune was out of the classroom! We also learnt that Jupiter is over double the size of all the planets put together and that Neptune is a gas planet made of methane – the same gas that cows release! Thank goodness it is so far away we can’t smell it!

History: The Tudors (Spring Term)
We’ve been having so much fun in History and we are only two lessons into the Spring term! It’s the start of our Tudor topic and we’ve been learning about Crime and Punishment, check out one of the unlucky criminals below…

From Art to Poetry…
December 2022
The children showed off not only how artistic they are, but also their ability to write poetry to describe their masterpieces!
Using Mixed Media the children created mythical beasts in the style of illustrator Sara Fanelli as part of their research into Ancient Greek life and culture.

Bristol Life Skills Centre: November 2022

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery: October 2022

We have been writing creatively…

We’ve been getting the best out of our writing by using blind-folds to challenge our senses!

Form 3 & 4 pupils thoroughly enjoyed their first lesson of Oracy whereby they learnt about ‘freeze frames’ and ‘split screens’. Pupils created a freeze frame from Chapter One of Varjak Paw. They depict the scene when the strange man enters the Contessa’s house bringing with him two sleek black cats. Varjak Paw looks on, feeling dizzy…