New Secondary School has opened: Cleve House International Secondary is taking bookings for Year 7, Year 8 pupils and Year 9 for September 2025. Places are filling fast! Telephone Mrs Scribbins for a visit and a show around on 0117 9777218 or during holidays contact Mrs Fraser on 07804 913540
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At Little Cleve Preschool we take great care to welcome each child and help them settle in. There is a wonderful family atmosphere as well as a great sense of fun which is provided by the conscientious, creative and caring staff of both the Preschool and Main school, who all work well together as a team.

Children can join the Ladybird group at 2 years old moving onto the Butterfly group between 3-4 years old. The whole of the Early Years department work closely together enabling smooth transitions between the groups.

In the Preschool the children are given opportunities during the day to express themselves through art, music, movement, language and role play. We explore a variety of different themes each term to reflect the children’s interest and to encourage learning, providing structured play activities to expand knowledge, early literacy and number skills.

Our children learn through a combination of purposeful play, adult lead instruction and their own investigation. Each child is unique and at Little Cleve Preschool we nurture and respect this.

We value the equal importance of the learning that takes place both inside and outside the classroom. We have a secure outside playground and enjoy regular walks to the nearby park, as well as enjoying organised trips and fun days.

We are fortunate to have access to the wider community of the Main School and its facilities such as the hall, library, music room and sports equipment and we are very much a part of Cleve House School events. We are often invited to attend the class assemblies and we join in with school social events, such as the Halloween disco, and other fund raising opportunities.

Little Cleve Preschool recognises the importance of working in partnership with parents. There are regular opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress and to talk about any concerns they may have, no matter how minor. We are looking forward to introducing ‘Tapestry’ to aid our communication with parents further.

The aim of our Preschool is to create a fun-filled happy, caring and stimulating environment where the children are encouraged to explore, investigate and learn to communicate about their discoveries and the world around them.

This builds a solid foundation of social skills and a love of learning which in turn will enable the children to move confidently into the Reception class of Cleve House.