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School Fees

From September 2023

PRESCHOOL15 and 30 hours Early Years Funding is available.
LADYBIRDS/BUTTERFLIESPlease contact us for a bespoke fee forecast for your child.
There will be a charge of £1 per day for consumables

Weekly sessions vary according to the length of term.

(Reception – Year 6)

Cleve House International School – MYP1


There are 3 terms in a year.

Reduction per term for second child:10%

Fees include weekly swimming lessons from Reception to Year 6. Late stay arrangements can be made (up to 5.30 pm). Details given upon request.

Fees can be paid monthly by standing order or for the whole term at the start of each term. Nursery vouchers and other voucher schemes are welcome. Waiting list: Preschool places will be awarded to those showing commitment to Main school education.

Notice of Withdrawal

A full term’s written notice must be given or a full term’s fees paid in lieu when withdrawing a child. Notice must be received on the first day of term or before if a child is to leave school at the end of that term without incurring a full term’s fees in lieu of the correct notice.