Sport and physical exercise form an important part of the timetable at Cleve House School. Children take part in games and PE lessons with specialist games teachers throughout the year learning about football, rugby, tennis, kwik cricket, netball, rounders, athletics and ball skills. In addition to sports lessons children have a range of activities available through extra-curricular clubs, including Cross-Country.
The children enjoy taking part in friendly matches with other schools, especially the match teas! The school also takes part competitively in local swimming galas, football tournaments and Cross-Country competitions.
Swimming lessons continue throughout the year at the local Jubilee Pool for all pupils from Reception upwards with the children gaining confidence and proficiency in their swimming skills and earning nationally recognised badges.
In every aspect of sport and physical activity children are encouraged to try their best and develop their skills whilst appreciating the importance of being part of a team and good sportsmanship.
Ralph and Eason wrote a report on the football tournament they attended: